Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mapping the buttons and stick.

Plug in your Joystick/Buttons and in another USB slot I plugged in a USB Keyboard and also one of the SNES style controllers to help with the setup.

Click Start on the SNES Controller and then click on Configure Input. The next screen you can set up some controls by simply holding a button down then it will step you through the set up.

Most of the controls are now set up, however! if you select a game to play with your Joystick/Buttons it will not let you insert a coin (Hold Select) or even click the start button to play. It will also not let you exit the game either by holding Select and Start. So we need to set this up next, this step can be a little tricky as we have to use the console and the keyboard. I found a video on you tube that really helped so I will just post the link of the you tube video here. You will need to watch from 9min to 13min. Everyone's button config setup will be different but I will post a screen shot of mine from the retroarch.cfg file. Just a heads up the retroarch.cfg file is for ATARI, NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, & Sega controls.

Gameboy Advanced, C64, MAME and Final Burn Alpha are configured differently.

retroarch.cfg setup controls

It's a good idea to write down what buttons are linked to what numbers so my select is number 4 and my start is number 5 etc. because you can use these same numbers later on. Here is my setup for for retroarch.cfg file.
sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

Now that you have followed that video You should have a basic understanding of how to use the console and access files, So the next hit F4 on the keyboard and type.

sudo nano /opt/retropie/emulators/pifba/fba2x.cfg
You should know what numbers are for your buttons so just go through and set them up and then Ctrl + X to save and exit.

Below is a picture of my buttons setup again for Final Burn Alpha.

Next we can go ahead and set up the controls for the MAME section. this is a bit different. First I powered down the Micro Cade and just had the SNES and Keyboard plugged in. Boot up a random game from the MAME section and once you are in hold the select button down and click the L button on the SNES controller. This should bring up a in game menu in MAME. Like the picture below. There is also a video that I recommend you watch on you tube that explains this set up. I would watch from 4:30min.

Mame setup controls

Select Input General, and then you can configure these controls. I found it easier navigating the UI using my keyboard. So I mapped my keyboard in.

Below is a screen shot from my setup.

Next you need to set up Select and Start with your buttons so you can insert a coin and start games. My Select is button 4 and my start is button 5. So scroll down in that menu and enter them in here. With what ever your numbers are for your buttons remember they will be different to mine.

Now you will need to set up the buttons so you can exit a game from mame. this is done in the UI Cancel part. I mapped my select (button 4) and start (button 5) to quit the game just like the SNES Style Controls. Below is a picture of that. Just Ignore the ESC and UP Button that was an accident, the Mame Input settings are touchy.

Now that is all done your Joystick and Buttons should be working nice, Here is a video of my buttons in action on Street Figher II on the SNES. I have also now ordered another Joystick and Button set as these are working good. They should be here in 2 weeks or so. I have not worked out how to configure the Gameboy Advanced or C64 yet. I might look at doing this later.

Testing my Arcade Buttons

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